
本公司創立於1997年,為一專業膠膜沖孔模具廠商.膠膜沖孔模具構造雖輕巧,但精度要求卻很高,需高精密度設備及熟練技術人員配合加工才能完美達成;配合客戶需求,本公司專門從事開發、設計、組裝和試模,至於加工製作部分,目前均由台灣高科技業的協力廠商配合完成. 一直以來,品質颇受業界肯定.為達快速交貨,一般常用規格,本公司均備有庫存.

Chin Kenta Corp. (CKT) established in 1997. We are specialized in making hole punch sets for polybag PP、PE、OPP and PVC etc. Polybag dies are light and versatile, but demand great precision. Sophisticated machines and highly-qualified engineers are essential to produce perfect dies. To utilize expensive resources effectively. We have been cooperating with local ICT suppliers on our products. Apart from single-hole, we also offer multi-hole dies, 11- hole and 30- hole etc. for stationery files. CKT is a leading polybag die manufacturer that you can rely on. We have some standard dies in stock and also provide a wide range of products for your demand.